1. Information Accuracy and Use: Cricket County assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss incurred as a result of the information presented on the website or any other services rendered through it. Users utilizing the services provided herein are solely responsible for their actions. Cricket County does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented on the platform. Users expressly agree that their use of the service is at their own risk.
2. Third-Party Products and Services: Cricket County shall not be liable for any third-party products or services. Any advertisements available via email or on the website related to third-party websites, products and services are for informational purposes only. Cricket County has no control over external websites or resources provided by third parties and is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred through the use of such information or resources.
3. Third-Party Information and Endorsement: Except for information, products, or services explicitly identified by Cricket County, all information, products and services offered through the platform or on the internet are provided by third parties not affiliated with Cricket County. Cricket County does not operate, control, or endorse any such information, products, or services on the internet.
4. Data Security and Transmission: Cricket County cannot guarantee or warrant the complete security of information submitted, maintained, or transmitted through its systems. Transmission of information over the internet may be subject to loss, misrouting, interception and misuse. Users are responsible for implementing procedures to ensure the accuracy of data input and output and for maintaining external means of data reconstruction.
5. Content Monitoring and Removal: Cricket County has no obligation to continuously monitor posted materials on the platform. However, if objectionable or infringing content is brought to our attention, we reserve the right to remove or edit such content that violates applicable laws or the terms of service.
6. Limitation of Liability: Cricket County, its directors, officers, employees, or members shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting from the use or inability to use the service, content, information, or services accessed through it, unauthorized access or alteration of transmissions or data, conduct of third parties on the service, or any other matter relating to the service.
7. Indemnity: Users agree to indemnify, defend and hold Cricket County harmless against losses, liabilities, claims, demands, expenses and damages arising from breach or non-performance of any representations, warranties, agreements, or obligations pursuant to the terms of service.
8. Professional Advice: The material contained on Cricket County is general information and not intended as professional advice. Users should seek appropriate advice before acting on the basis of any information provided. Cricket County, its members, employees and authors disclaim liability for actions taken based on platform content.
9. Errors and Omissions: While every effort is made to avoid errors, mistakes may occur. Cricket County and its authors shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from errors or omissions. Users are encouraged to cross-check information with original sources.
By using Cricket County’s platform, users acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer. It is advised that users read and understand these terms before accessing the platform’s content or utilizing its services.